Explore the fascinating world of Apulia through the engaging and captivating book by Mario Contino, titled "Apulia, Mysteries & Legends." In this unique collection of stories, the author guides us through the popular legends, ancient customs, and mysterious places that characterize the rich history of the region.
The pages of this book are infused with magic and mystery, taking readers on an exciting journey through the remotest corners of Puglia. What makes this work extraordinary is the care with which Contino has carefully selected and researched the stories, thanks to the active involvement of the Italian Association of Mystery Researchers.
In "Apulia, Mysteries & Legends," legends come to life with vivid and in-depth details, transporting readers to a fascinating and unknown past. This is not just a book of narratives but a journey through the culture and tradition of Apulia, enriched by the author's unique perspectives.
Mario Contino, with his captivating prose, creates a connection between the past and the present, revealing stories that have shaped the region over the centuries. "Apulia, Mysteries & Legends" is more than a book; it's an invitation to delve into the depths of Apulia, to explore its secrets, and to be fascinated by its mysterious heritage.
Whether you are a fan of legends, a curious explorer of local history, or simply seeking a compelling reading experience, this book offers something extraordinary. It combines Contino's storytelling art with the beauty and cultural richness of Apulia, giving readers an unforgettable journey into the heart of this captivating Italian region.
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023
Autore: Mario Contino
Confezione: brossura
Formato: 14,5x22
Illustrazioni: a colori
ISBN: 9791280809148
Pagine: 216
Mario Contino: Paranormale e non solo
Mario Contino è un ricercatore esperto nello studio sui fenomeni definiti "del paranormale", scrittore di origini campane, nato ad Agropoli (SA) nel 1986 e residente dapprima in Lecce e poi in Monopoli (Puglia). Contino ha intrapreso la sua attività di ricercatore nell’ambito del folclore internazionale al fine di salvaguardare e tramandare le antiche tradizioni, altrimenti cancellate dal panorama socio-culturale moderno.
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